On 9 June, thanks be to God that our Religious Education (RE) Department had the first RE trip since the pandemic. Over 60 students and teachers had a fun-filled day, appreciating the wonder of God’s creation at Yellowcraig Beach on Sunday. Despite the initial weather forecast of rain, God blessed us with a warm and dry day.
On 2 June, we held a Gospel Open Day where we welcomed first-time and returning friends who came to learn more about our basic beliefs, including Water Baptism, Holy Spirit and Sabbath Day. May God continue guiding them in their search for the truth so that they can taste the wonderful salvation and eternal hope promised to us all.

From 19 to 21 April, this annual event was held with the theme “Be a Tree Planted by the Rivers of Water”. It was led by Preacher Steven Shek, Preacher Daniel Liew, Deacon Nehemiah Zhou and Sister Mimintha Li-Parrett. There was a combination of sessions relating to spiritual cultivation, doctrines and practical skills as well as a fellowship. 54 religious education teachers and trainees attended the seminar.

On 10 and 11 March, the event was held at Edinburgh Church this year. It was led by Preacher Johnny Liu with the theme “A Life of Spiritual Cultivation as a Couple”. Over 90 couples participated in this two-day national event, reflecting on the true essence of marriage from biblical teachings and having fellowship together through various discussions and activities.

On 25 February, our sisters gathered at our dining hall to learn and make various desserts. Brothers and children were also welcomed to join afterwards to enjoy the delicious food and take the opportunity to have fellowship together. Everyone spent a joyful afternoon in the Lord.

On 1 January, we started the year with a Thanksgiving Service, praising God with our voices and hearts for His blessings and guidance throughout the past year. With renewed determination, we ask the Lord to lead us into a new year filled with hope and opportunity to spread His gospel afar and to continue guiding His church.