致英國同靈之函件 – 新冠病毒(COVID-19) 疫情期間之應對
1. 英總在上週已多次致函各處教會、祈禱所及聚會點的負責人提供新型冠狀病毒全球大流行的指引和建議。在這個極具挑戰及變幻不定的時期,現特函主內弟兄姊妹,請留意下列事情。
2. 全民禱告
3. 遵守安息日
– 在聚會前,先禱告 15 分鐘預備心。
– 鼓勵全家人一起參加網上聚會。
– 聚會中,要翻閱聖經,盡可能做筆記。
– 衣著要整齊(例如:不穿睡衣)。
– 聚會期間,不可飲食或處理私事。
或在 YouTube 搜尋「TJC London live stream」
星期三晚間聚會 晚上 8:00 – 9:15
星期五晚間聚會 晚上 8:00 – 9:15
安息日聚會 早上 11:00 – 中午 12:00(查經聚會); 下午 1:00 – 2:20(崇拜聚會)
或在 YouTube 搜尋「True Jesus Church Newcastle」
安息日聚會 下午 12:45 – 1:45; 下午 2:45 – 3:45
安息日聚會 上午 11:00 – 中午 12:00; 下午 1:00 – 2:00
安息日聚會 下午 12:45 – 1:50; 下午 2:45 – 3:45
YouTube 頻道聆聽過往的證道錄音或錄影。
4. 宗教教育
4.1 家庭祭壇
4.2 對有年幼子女的家長之建議
經常以最少 20 秒洗手、學校停課、留在家中及在週末不能前往教會 – 這些突變可能導致幼童感到苦惱及不安。以下是對一些家中有年幼子女的家長之建議:
– 向子女說明現時情況、讓他們發問及幫助他們消除恐懼。
– 宗教教育由家中開始。為子女在家裡準備一個合適的環境,以讓他們參加網上聚會,並教導他們在聚會中要有敬虔的態度。
– 所屬教會若有提供網上宗教教育課,應鼓勵子女參加。
– 為子女預備一個有建設性的日程表,以讓他們繼續學習,而不浪費時間玩手機/電腦遊戲或無所事事。
5. 彼此相愛、互相扶持
對大家來說,特別是對年長、獨居、患病或自我隔離及信心軟弱的弟兄姊妺而言,現在是艱難時期。我們應透過電話、電郵、WhatsApp 等方式,向主內弟兄姊妺,甚至未信主的親戚
6. 遵循政府指引
頁 (https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/)。
7. 在這個困難的時候,願主耶穌帶領及保守祂的教會。
1. The UKGA has already issued a number of letters last week to the board members of all localvchurches, prayer houses and places of worship, giving them guidance and advice regarding the
Coronavirus pandemic. We are now writing to all of our brothers and sisters in the Lord to take note of the following in these challenging and uncertain times.
2. United in Prayer
First and foremost, every church member has his or her responsibility to offer special prayers, including fasting, for this viral outbreak. We must unceasingly pray that our Lord Jesus Christ grants us peace and continues to guide us through this extremely difficult time.
Please also pray for our own spirituality. This is the time for all of us to examine our faith before God and refocus on Him. We can all turn this crisis into an opportunity and build a closer
relationship with God.
The UKGA encourages all brethren in the UK to pray for the two matters mentioned above twice a day (Morning & Evening).
3. Observing the Sabbath
In order to adhere to the Government guidance to undertake Social Distancing (at least 2 meters) and Stay at Home (Lockdown) to avoid further spreading of the virus, we are aware that
there have already been changes to how we worship around the world.
Observing the Sabbath is not only one of the Ten Commandments, but also one of the Ten Basic Beliefs of the True Jesus Church. It is not just an occasion to commemorate God’s creation and
grace, but also a means of receiving more blessings from Him.
We should join the Friday evening and Saturday Sabbath services online. For those members without Internet or computer access, they should pray, sing hymns and read the Bible on the
Sabbath as a minimum.
Each live-streamed service should be observed with a heart of reverence, as if worshipping in church.
Please remember to worship God in spirit and truth and ensure the environment is appropriate at home to observe the Sabbath services online. Here are some points to take note of:
– Pray 15 minutes before the service begins to prepare our heart.
– Encourage the whole family to attend service online together.
– Turn to the Bible when referred to and take notes, wherever possible, during service.
– Put on proper attire (e.g. not wearing pyjamas).
– Refrain from eating, drinking or attending to personal matters throughout the service.
You can use the links provided below:
London Church (English and Mandarin)
OR search for “TJC London live stream” on YouTube.
Wed evening service 8:00 – 9:15 pm
Fri evening service 8:00 – 9:15 pm
Sabbath services 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (Bible Study); 1:00 – 2:20 pm (Worship Service)
Newcastle Church (English and Cantonese)
OR search for “True Jesus Church Newcastle” on YouTube:
Sabbath services 12:45 – 1:45 pm; 2:45 – 3:45 pm
Churches in Edinburgh Area (English and Cantonese)
Sabbath services 11:00 am – 12:00 noon; 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Leicester Church (English and Cantonese)
Sabbath services 12:45 – 1:50 pm; 2:45 – 3:45 pm
You can also find previous sermon recordings on the IA website at <https://tjc.org/sermons/>
and the YouTube channels of London Church and Newcastle Church.
4. Religious Education
4.1 Family Altar
In addition to observing Sabbath services online, we can attend the live-streamed weekday services. Bible reading and prayer at fixed times at home can be helpful for the whole family
to grow in their faith together through meditation on God’s words and communion with Him.
4.2 Advice to Parents with Young Children
Cleaning hands for 20 seconds regularly, school closures, staying at home and not going to
church at weekends – all these sudden changes may make young children feel upset and uneasy.
Here are some suggestions to parents with young children:
– Explain to children about the current situation, let them ask questions and help take away their fear.
– Religious education starts at home. Prepare children to observe live-streamed services with an appropriate setting at home and teach them to have a heart of reverence during services.
– Encourage children to attend online RE class, if provided by your local church.
– Provide a constructive daily schedule to children so as to keep up learning, rather than wasting time on gaming or doing nothing.
5. Love and Care for One Another
These are trying times for all, especially for elderly members, those living alone, those with existing health conditions or under self-isolation and those who are weak in faith. We should
show concern, encourage and support each other, even to unbelieving relatives and friends, by phone, email, WhatsApp, etc.
Please also take note of the latest updates from the Government as well as your local church, and notify relatives and friends who may not have timely access to these announcements.
6. Adherence to Government Guidance
Please be reminded to adhere to the Government guidance and any instructions being given at national and local level. Detailed information and advice can be found on the Government
website at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
7. May the Lord Jesus Christ guide and preserve His church in these difficult times.